Substance Use Disorder Treatment Programs

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We're Here For You

According to the Center on the Family at the Department of Health, more than half of the adults and adolescents who participated in a substance abuse treatment program and who completed a six-month follow-up survey have remained clean!

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Intensive Outpatient & Outpatient Programs

Substance Use Disorder Treatment-Intensive Outpatient and Outpatient Programs Available

  • Substance Use Disorder Assessments
  • Assessments for DUI
  • Anger Management Assessments and Sessions
  • Substance Use Disorder Individual and Group Sessions: Honoka’a Clinic Hours: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday; 8:00 am – 5:00 pm, Kohala Clinic Hours: Tuesday and Friday; 9:00 am – 5:00 pm.

Awareness & Support Are Key

The goal of Hamakua-Kohala Health is to serve the total healthcare needs of each patient. In addition to your physical health, we recognize that your mental and emotional state can also enhance or hinder your treatment and recovery.

If someone is struggling, they usually don’t struggle alone. When a family member has a mental and/or substance use disorder, the effects are also felt by family and friends who may experience feelings of abandonment, anxiety, fear, anger, concern, embarrassment or guilt.

Some may wish to ignore or cut ties with a person, but more often than not, ‘ohana are not ready to go to that extreme. HKH can help individuals and ‘ohana find encouragement and hope, learn to recognize the signs of a problem, and guide those in need to appropriate treatment and recovery support services, like those available at HKH. 

Behavioral health is essential to health and one's overall wellness, prevention works, get effective treatment and recover.

The goal of Hamakua-Kohala Health is to serve the total healthcare needs of each patient. In addition to your physical health, we recognize that your mental and emotional state can also enhance or hinder your treatment and recovery.

If someone is struggling, they usually don’t struggle alone. When a family member has a mental and/or substance use disorder, the effects are also felt by family and friends who may experience feelings of abandonment, anxiety, fear, anger, concern, embarrassment or guilt.

Some may wish to ignore or cut ties with a person, but more often than not, ‘ohana are not ready to go to that extreme. HKH can help individuals and ‘ohana find encouragement and hope, learn to recognize the signs of a problem, and guide those in need to appropriate treatment and recovery support services.

We offer whole-person oriented healthcare services, education and integrated treatment for tobacco and e-cigarette/vaping prevention, behavioral health and substance abuse concerns.

Candace Kauahi, Certified Substance Abuse Counselor provides services for adolescents and adults in an intensive outpatient program setting emphasizing educating the entire ‘ohana. Contact us today!

Most used substance:

  • Meth – Crystal methamphetamine (ice) is the primary drug threat in Hawai’i and Hawai’i has the highest per capita ice use in the nation
  • Marijuana is Hawaii’s second most significant drug threat, is increasingly used among our keiki, and is frequently found in public schools (grades 6-12)
  • Hydrocodone is one of the most abused pharmaceutical drugs in Hawai’i. It and other opioid drugs are derived from the Opium Poppy and contributed to 35% of drug overdose deaths in Hawai’i in 2015
  • Alcohol/Drug abuse – in Hawai’i about 8.7% of all individuals 12 and older were dependent on or abused alcohol and drugs.

*Most health insurance plans cover lifesaving preventative tests. Use the health benefits you are already paying for to get screened.